Balance of OPE 2015

Operation Crossing the Strait 2015 posted some of the best results since it was set up in the 80s, with record reductions in waiting times

News - 2015.9.16

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OPE 2015 posted some of the best results since it was set up back in the 80s, by reducing waiting times to record minimum levels for embarkation. This year was also characterised by its normality and smooth traffic flows, despite the increase in the number of vehicles and passengers.

This has all been possible thanks to the efforts at coordination, the thorough work of the various bodies involved and close collaboration with the Moroccan authorities.

Operation Crossing the Strait is the largest movement of citizens and vehicles between two continents in a three-month period, which tests Spain's capacity to manage an operation of these dimensions. The experience accumulated over the years, the extraordinary measures adopted and the smooth coordination have all led to particularly positive results being posted in 2015.

A swift and efficient response has been provided, whilst guaranteeing the maximum security of citizens in transit, reducing waiting times in ports during the busiest days to less than two hours, while at other times embarkations have been automatic. On 2 August, the day with the largest movement of vehicles, peak flow of 659 vehicles per hour passed through the Port of Algeciras

The Ministry of Home Affairs would like to acknowledge the work of all the personnel involved, who have worked with maximum efficiency and at full capacity, as well as the media who have collaborated in sending out messages which have been broadcast to ensure the fluid and safe transit of vehicles and passengers, and citizens in general, who have followed the preventative recommendations.

The National Emergency Suite operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

During his visit to the Directorate General of Civil Protection and Emergencies, the Minister for Home Affairs was shown the work of the National Emergency Suite, the focal point for the monitoring and coordination of emergencies 24 hours a day, every day of the year. It is also the national point of contact for the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

This centre has monitored Operation Crossing the Strait and has prepared daily reports on OPE, as well as on forest fires.

The suite has various technological systems and tools to make its task more efficient and effective, such as a satellite detection system for outbreaks of fire through geostationary platforms (METEOSAT) and orbital platforms (MODIS), and the Radioactivity Warning Network (Spanish acronym: RAR), among others.

At a national level, the RAR automatically and continuously measures and analyses radiation levels. This system enables gamma rays and trends to be observed in around 900 points throughout Spain in real time.

Figures for OPE 2015

In total, since the start of the operation on 15 June until 15 September, 628,287 vehicles and 2,810,338 passengers have embarked from Spanish ports, increases of 5.6% and 10.3% respectively.

10,264 shipping movements have taken place, an increase of 14.5%, and more than 685,000 kilometres have been sailed, the equivalent of 17 trips around the world.

As happens each year, Operation Crossing the Strait was divided into two phases: Outgoing, from 15 June to 15 August, and Return, from 15 July to 15 September.

The Outgoing phase recorded a total of 1,340,380 passengers and 310, 013 vehicles, respective increases of 8.7% and 3.9% on 2014.

The upward trend recorded over recent years has thus continued, as forecast in the Special Civil Protection Plan for Operation Crossing the Strait 2015.

In the Return phase, the number of passengers embarking rose to 1,469,958 and the number of vehicles to 318,274, representing increases of 11.8% and 7.4% respectively.

Figures posted at Spanish ports

Outgoing Phase:

The ports in the Bay of Algeciras transported close to 75% of all vehicles that embarked. 746,715 passengers and 187,857 vehicles embarked from Algeciras, while 213,526 passengers and 37,332 vehicles embarked from Tarifa.

133,484 passengers and 32,211 vehicles embarked from Motril. These figures maintain the upward trend at the port in the province of Granada, as has been witnessed in recent years.

35,324 passengers and 5,583 vehicles embarked from Malaga, the port that enjoyed the largest increase of both passengers and vehicles, by 39.9% and 57.9% respectively.

173,473 passengers and 37,112 vehicles embarked from Almeria.

37,858 passengers and 9,918 vehicles embarked from Alicante.

Return phase:

277,086 passengers and 58,414 vehicles embarked from Ceuta.

178,373 passengers and 37,673 vehicles embarked from Melilla.

In total, the two ports posted more than 30% of all passenger and vehicle movements compared with the rest of the Moroccan ports.

Healthcare and social assistance

In accordance with the provisions of the plan, personnel and resources were made available to offer healthcare and social assistance. In total, 2.519 healthcare interventions were recorded which, in general, only included skin problems, sea-sickness, gastric upsets, headaches and minor traumas.

On another note, social assistance totalled 4,441 interventions. The majority of them were requests for information, which are provided in various languages, and problems with documentation.