Council of Ministers
The Government of Spain strengthens the effectiveness and security of the anti-doping law
Council of Ministers - 2023.10.24
Moncloa Palace, Madrid
The Council of Ministers has approved the Regulation for the development of the Organic Law on the Fight against Doping in Sport to make it more effective, efficient and secure. Given that the current executive is acting, the agreement was submitted to the observations of the State Council, which has found that there are reasons of general interest, derived from international commitments, that allow this decision to be taken.
The acting Minister for Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, has pointed out that the regulation updates the legal framework of the fight against doping to adapt it to scientific, technological and methodological advances that make it possible to "gain ground" in the detection of these practices and in the protection of "clean sport".
More control and prevention of sports doping
Among the main novelties of the regulation, the spokeswoman pointed out that it regulates sample collection teams to make them more agile and efficient and sets out in greater detail the qualifications of the people who will make up these teams.
Second, it includes provisions relating to the 'biological passport', which complement its regulation as a valid method of proof for the commission of anti-doping rule violations at global level.
Last, the text promotes education and social awareness programmes to prevent this type of banned conduct in sport.
Isabel Rodríguez stressed that in the drafting of the regulation, "as is usual in the work of the Government", public bodies and private entities - in this case, from the sports and health sectors - have taken part, and she thanked them for their contributions.
Resources to assist migrants in the Canary Islands
The acting Minister for Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, at the press conference after the Council of Ministers | Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa
The Council of Ministers has also approved a subsidy of €50 million for the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands to assist migrants arriving on the islands.
The executive spokesperson framed this initiative within the framework of the ongoing collaboration with the autonomous communities to tackle "the migratory crises we are experiencing throughout Europe, and which particularly affect our country". In the specific case of the Canary Islands, these funds were already granted last year to manage this migration and to attend to minors in particular.
Rodríguez explained that the subsidy will take the form of an agreement with the Canary Islands government to channel it towards three fundamental objectives: the care of minors who are third-country nationals in centres managed by the autonomous community, which is responsible for the guardianship of minors; improved possibilities of social and labour market integration of people who have been taken into care; and the implementation of actions in the country of origin to prevent irregular migration. The grant will cover these costs until 31 December 2024.
The Council of Ministers has also extended until April 2024 the contract with the public company TRAGSA to cover the special services required for the reception of immigrants arriving in the Canary Islands. The addendum to the contract is worth €14.5 million. It has the favourable reports of the State Attorney's Office for reasons of urgency and general interest.
Investments in digitalisation and infrastructure
The acting Minister for Territorial Policy and Government Spokesperson, Isabel Rodríguez, during her speech at the press conference after the Council of Ministers | Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa
In the area of improving the digitisation of public administrations, one of the priorities of recent years, the executive has authorised the autonomous organisation Central Traffic Headquarters the contracting of the system for the mobile processing of accidents, complaints and the management of general traffic information (TRAMO).
The contract, worth €12.1 million, will allow for the continuity and improvement of this system for a period of two years, representing a "great technological advance" in the consultation of driver and vehicle data, the formulation of complaints by the Traffic Group of the Civil Guard and the collection and management of information relating to accidents, as explained by the acting minister.
In the area of infrastructure, the Council of Ministers has allocated €3.3 million to the construction of the new passenger building at Santiago de Compostela station.
Isabel Rodríguez stated that the Government thereby reaffirms its commitment to the railway development in Galicia, which amounts to investments of more than 1 billion from June 2018 to September this year. What is more, she recalled that next December will be the second anniversary of the arrival of the high-speed train to this community, which has allowed the offer to be increased and journey times to be reduced, and shows the commitment of the Executive to the railway and to "the most sustainable mobility in our country".
Non official translation