Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda
Ione Belarra Urteaga
The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the rest of the members of the Executive, after the incorporation of the new Minister of Universities, Joan Subirats, in front of the Council of Ministers building. | Foto: Pool Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa. 2021.12.28
- The Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, walks through the gardens...
- The Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra, on the steps of the Council...
- Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda, Ione Belarra
- The President of the Government of Spain, Pedro Sánchez, and the rest of the members of...
Born in Pamplona (Navarre) in 1987.
Formal education
- Bachelor's Degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM).
- Master's Degree in Psychology of Education
- Vocational Training qualification in Social Integration
Political and professional career
- Minister for Social Rights and 2030 Agenda (March 2021 to present)
- State Secretary for 2030 Agenda (2020 to March 2021)
- Member of Parliament for Navarre in Lower House of Parliament (2016 to present)
- Pre-doctoral contract (FPI grant)
- Training grant at National Education Innovation and Research Centre
- Spanish Commission for Aid to Refugees
- Educator at Spanish Red Cross
Non official translation