Luis Planas: The National Food Strategy will be a reference for the new European Commission

News - 2024.9.19

19/09/2024. National Food Strategy. The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, attends the closing act of the first part... The Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, attends the closing act of the first participatory forum of the National Food Strategy

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The Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Luis Planas, has stressed that the National Food Strategy (NFS) will be a point of reference for the new European Commission, which will begin its work in the coming weeks. "We are an agri-food and fishing power and we have to act as such," Planas stressed, for whom it is necessary for Spain to make proposals and set out its position instead of waiting for the final decisions to be taken in Brussels.

Planas mentioned the importance of securing food supply and sustainability as two of the challenges facing the sector. "It is time for the National Food Strategy", emphasised the minister at the closing of the first participatory forum of the NFS, organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food together with Cadena Ser de Córdoba.

The aim is "to achieve an open strategic autonomy within the European Union", Planas recalled. This means taking into account elements of uncertainty such as climate change or the current geopolitical situation and trying to respond to them with a stronger agri-food system. "There is no such thing as perfect security, but we can equip ourselves with the tools to deal with these situations," he concluded.

The minister also mentioned the relationship between food and health, the analysis of the benefits of artificial intelligence for the agri-food sector and the need to take into account producers, farmers, fishermen and livestock farmers, all of whom are key players in rural development in this country.

These issues were discussed today at the forum, which brought together high-level experts and speakers from various disciplines. From philosophers, food journalists to doctors whose conclusions will help build the final text of the strategy.

The National Food Strategy of the future

The National Food Strategy is a priority for the Government of Spain and will serve as a basis for the formulation of agri-food public policies. They will establish comprehensive, coherent and cross-cutting guidelines to address challenges related to food, food security, sustainability, food production and nutrition.

Its drafting will involve a wide range of stakeholders including public administrations, sectoral organisations, civil society and academia with the aim of bringing together different perspectives and needs. To this end, several participatory forums have been organised which will culminate in the drafting of the FNS. The first, is today in Cordoba, the second is scheduled for 29 October in Barcelona and the last, on 26 November in León.

Luis Planas also reminded everyone that food is everyone's business, and therefore encouraged the whole sector and citizens in general to make the appropriate contributions within the public participation period that is still open. "It is important to know the problem in order to find the best solution," the minister concluded.

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Non official translation