5th African Union-European Union Summit

Mariano Rajoy trusts that European Investment Plan for Africa will contribute to combating "the root causes of migration"

President's News - 2017.11.30

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Spanish Embassy, Abidjan (Ivory Coast)

The President of the Government declared, at the end of the summit, that Africa has experienced major growth in recent years, but that this is insufficient. "The continent is creating 3 million jobs a year, when it needs to create between 15 and 20 million".

According to Mariano Rajoy, in order to achieve this goal, the European Union External Investment Plan "will be essential" - an initiative from the European Commission that has received unanimous support from its Member States. "We hope to mobilise more than 44 billion euros in investment on the African continent", he stated.

As regards these investments, the President of the Government also highlighted the partnership initiative for Africa developed by the German Presidency of the G-20 and announced that the European Union has undertaken to strengthen the Trust Fund for Africa. On this point, Mariano Rajoy announced that Spain will increase its contribution to this fund by 6 million euros, mainly allocated to cooperation projects with Niger.

"We must help African countries effectively fight poverty and ensure they enjoy economic growth and raise the standard of living", thus avoiding the need to emigrate, underlined the President of the Government.

Migration and mobility

The President of the Government recalled that he took part on Wednesday as keynote speaker, on behalf of the European Union, in a work session entitled "Migration and Mobility". During his speech at this forum, he thanked Morocco for its excellent cooperation on the issue of migration and in the fight against organised crime, together with Mauritania, Algeria and SenPool Moncloa/Diego Crespoegal.

Mariano Rajoy also outlined the principles of Spanish immigration policy, which "to a certain extent, has inspired the new immigration policy of the European Union". He also advocated the importance of combating the root causes of migration. "While there is poverty, human rights are violated and young people lack opportunities, migratory movements will continue".

The President of the Government pointed out that 80% of refugee movements take place on the African continent, and five of the ten countries with the most refugees are in Africa, and hence "we must acknowledge their efforts".

Working group to protect migrants in Libya

Mariano Rajoy explained that he took part in a meeting on Wednesday, together with the French President, Emmanuele Macron, the German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni, and the Secretary General of the United Nations, António Guterres, which was also attended by the Presidents of Libya, Chad and Niger and the President of the African Union and leader of Guinea Conakry, Alpha Conde, among others.

At the meeting, they agrePool Moncloa/Ramosed to set up a joint working group between the European Union, the African Union and the United Nations to bring the swiftest possible end to the "brutal attacks on the dignity and the rights of people committed by the people trafficking mafias in Libya", and ensure the humanitarian repatriation of immigrants in that country.

The goal, pointed out Mariano Rajoy, is to support the International Organization for Migration and countries of origin in identifying and subsequently repatriating, with full respect for human rights, the immigrants that are in the attention centres in Libya. "The authorities of that country have guaranteed that we can count on their full collaboration", he asserted.

The President of the Government added that he expressed his conviction to the African and European leaders that the achievement of the fundamental goal for both Europe and Africa of "safe, regular, orderly migration, tackling the problem at source through cooperation and a sincere commitment to the future of Africa", depends on the "capabilities, prudence and responsibility" of us all.

Bilateral meetings

Pool Moncloa/RamosDuring the course of the summit, the President of the Government held a bilateral meeting with the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, a strategic partner of Spain in Africa, with whom he agreed to step up cooperation to the benefit of both countries. He also met up with the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani.

Mariano Rajoy also exchanged impressions on the issue of migration with the Presidents of Niger, Chad, Libya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Guinea-Conakry.

"Infanta Cristina" patrol vessel

The President of the Government took the opportunity of his presence in Ivory Coast to visit the patrol vessel "Infanta Cristina" and the Spanish servicemen of the Navy deployed in the Gulf of Guinea on a mission to increase stability and security in the zone.

Mariano Rajoy highlighted the "extraordinary work" they carry out and their efforts to "protect us and offer African citizens a safer and better future".

Pool Moncloa

Application of Article 155

In response to questions from journalists on the appeal lodged before the Constitutional Court announced by Podemos on the application of Article 155, Mariano Rajoy responded that this is an "absolutely democratic" article that exists in "almost all the constitutions across Europe" and that it is only applied in exceptional situations, such as "the circumstance of someone unilaterally declaring independence from a country".

The President of the Government added that the government's response has been proportional and counted on the majority backing of the Upper House of Parliament. "Fortunately, everyone is now clear that the State can defend itself and that when someone attacks it and attacks the very essence of the State and what is entrenched in the souls of the Spanish people, the State will always act because that is its obligation", he declared.

Reform of regional financing and of Spanish Constitution

As regards regional financing, the President of the Government argued that the model should be agreed upon between the different regions, to which end a working group has already been set up at which everyone is represented, "except Catalonia because it didn't want to be represented there".

Mariano Rajoy underlinPool Moncloa/Diego Crespoed his "intention" to establish a new model and also the need to include "at least" the support of the PSOE so that this can be approved in Parliament and because this party governs in various autonomous regions.

As regards the reform of the Constitution, the President of the Government argued that before undertaking this, it is necessary to know what must be reformed and why and he recalled that a parliamentary committee in the Lower House will evaluate the functioning of the State of the autonomies. "In light of the conclusions of this committee we can see whether a reform is necessary or not and what may need to be reformed", he pointed out.

Non official translation