Following the extraordinary European Council
"We have agreed to triple spending on search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean", says Mariano Rajoy
President's News - 2015.4.23
3. Images of President of the Government at extraordinary European Council | 2015.4.23
European Council , Brussels (Belgium)
The President of the Government explained that the Commission will publish a document in May to be debated in June, "to thus implement what logic and common sense dictates - a joint immigration policy for all European countries, given that there is free movement of people in Europe, and hence, what affects one country, wherever it may be, affects us all".
Fundamental objectives
As regards the fundamental objectives of this immigration policy, Mariano Rajoy pointed out that "the most important thing must be to preserve the lives of people"; given the dramatic situation taking place in the Mediterranean. "This is something that the European Union cannot and will not allow under any circumstance", he explained.
Furthermore, the President of the Government underlined the need to be "effective against the mafias that take advantage of people and which, on many occasions, lead them to their deaths", and committed to improve living standards and cooperation with countries of origin. "It is clear that if people do not have the possibility of leading a dignified life in their own country, they will do whatever is available to them in achieving this, as is obvious and natural", he claimed.
In his opinion, "the most important measures are to reach readmission agreements with all the countries of origin and transit of immigration", which would be an "important step", because "to date, as a country Spain has some agreements in place, but not at a European Union level". He also committed to linking this readmission "to cooperation with these countries". Mariano Rajoy added that endeavours will be made to "reach agreements to work jointly with the law enforcement agencies of these countries, with a view to avoiding these situations arising in the future".