Elections to Human Rights Council

​Spain has been elected as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Council

News - 2017.10.16

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The election constitutes the recognition and expression of confidence in Spain and the commitment of the public authorities and Spanish society to human rights. At an internal level, the defence and protection of fundamental rights and liberties has become an underlying principle and cross-cutting pillar of the government's decisions. At an international level, the defence and promotion of human rights constitutes one of the priorities of Spanish foreign policy and cooperation.

As a member-elect of the Council, Spain takes on the responsibility of contributing to improving the efficiency of the international protection of human rights. This takes the form of four main pillars: equal human rights for everyone, democracy and the rule of law, sustainable development and dialogue, and cooperation and efficiency.

Our priorities are focused on the defence and promotion of democracy and the rule of law; on the protection of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights; the fight against discrimination and racism, xenophobia and hate crimes; and on promoting the rights of persons with disabilities.

Non official translation