According to the report on regulation of trade practices in the food chain in the European Union
Spain is the most active European country in the control of unfair trade practices in the food chain
News - 2017.3.29
The conclusions of this latest report, which updates the report drafted in the first half of 2016, highlight that Spain "is the most active EU country in the control of unfair trade practices (UTP)".
The figures contained in this report, using data at 30 June 2016, on inspections (1,490), reports received (127), cases of proposed penalties (146), proposed penalties (322) and controlled trade operations, among other indicators, show that the AICA "is the most active unfair trade practice control agency at a European level".
With data reported since the launch of inspection activity by AICA in 2014, it shows that the most common infringement at a national level is that of failure to meet payment deadlines (56% of cases) followed by failure to sign contracts as provided for by law (14%).
Other conclusions from the study state that "a clear trend has been seen in EU Member States towards publicly regulating unfair trade practices, with agencies holding full power to control and issue penalties beyond the scope of legal proceedings". The dossier also shows that mixed models, which combine public and private instruments, are those that receive the most support.
Whereas the first report highlighted Spain's position as a benchmark model for Europe in the regulation of trade operations in the food chain, the second highlights the country's leadership in terms of the control activities undertaken by AICA in the punishment of unfair practices.
The study, concluded in November 2016, was conducted by the Centre for Economic Research and Agri-food Development (CREDA UPC-IRTA) for the Spanish Food Information and Control Agency (AICA).
Spanish Food Information and Control Agency (AICA)
The Spanish Food Information and Control Agency (AICA) is an independent body managed under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Affairs. It was set up by Law 12/2013, of 2 August, on measures to improve the operation of the food chain in order to oversee compliance therewith in terms of trade relations between food chain operators.
Furthermore, AICA is responsible for managing market information and control systems in the oil production sector and the wine production sector, as well as official control of operators with Protected Designations of Origin and Protected Geographic Indications, the territorial scope of which extend into more than one autonomous region of Spain.