First four months of 2017
Government will hold new auction of renewable energies on Spanish islands
News - 2017.1.10
Our country is currently ahead of the target set of 20% of renewable energies by 2020 (in 2014, it hit 17.3% compared with the 12.1% forecast). It is thus ahead of the majority of our peer countries (5.5% in Holland, 7% in the United Kingdom, 13.8% in Germany and 14.3% in France, according to Eurostat figures).
In order to continue taking steps to meet the targets set to combat climate change, the government has been strongly backing the introduction of new renewable energies in the Spanish electricity system, particularly on the Spanish islands.
The introduction of renewable energies in the islands has many benefits: it replaces the current generation of fossil fuels, which helps reduce CO2 levels, it improves the security of supply and helps reduce generation costs of these systems, which translates into lower prices for end consumers.
The auction will allow the different technologies to compete under equal conditions, such that the energy source offering the lower cost to the electricity consumer will be awarded the contract.