Social Security

Contributory pensions amount to 8.62 billion euros in December

News - 2016.12.22

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The average retirement pension stood at 1,050.82 euros, 2.07% higher than for the same period last year. The average pension from the Spanish Social Security system as a whole, which includes all the various types of pension available (retirement, permanent disability, widowhood, orphanhood, and those paid out to relatives), stood at 910.20 euros, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.92%.

In summary, today the public system comprises 9,473,482 contributory pensions in total, an increase of 1.2% on last year. At 5,784,748, more than half of these are retirement pensions, while 2,364,388 are widowhood pensions, 944,600 are permanent disability pensions, 339,471 are orphanhood pensions and 40,275 are pensions paid out to relatives.