Spain takes part in Third United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development (Habitat III) in Quito
News - 2016.10.19
"Habitat III" is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development, the third in a series of conferences organised by the United Nations that began in 1976 and that are mainly aimed at strengthening global political commitment in pursuit of sustainable development for towns, cities and other human settlements, both rural and urban. This third such conference, which is being held after a gap of 20 years, will be attended by 200 national governments from the United Nations General Assembly, approximately 45,000 people having been registered to take part.
The Government of Spain welcomes the commitments already made by governments in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, highlighting the fact that Spain - as part of the European Union - supports the three commitments underlined by the New Urban Agenda for achieving sustainable development: the pursuit of social inclusion and the eradication of poverty; sustainable and inclusive urban prosperity; and guaranteeing a sustainable and resilient environmental balance.
Spain shares the social outlook of this New Urban Agenda, which essentially focuses on people and reaffirms compliance with human rights for all, as well as considering access to an adequate and decent home to be fundamental. These goals require management at various levels - by the State, regional and local authorities, each within the scope of their respective powers.
Spain also shares and supports the objective of the New Urban Agenda for sustainable urban prosperity, for which cities must act as a driving force for economic, social and environmental change, and contribute to job creation by virtue of its design and management.
Finally, as regards the third commitment in the New Urban Agenda, the Government of Spain is committed to sustainable development at a local level and reducing urban environmental impact.