Average number of workers stands at 17,844,992
Number of National Insurance contributors rises by 84,721 in July
News - 2016.8.2
This increase in contributors amounts to 41,463 in seasonally-adjusted terms, the best figure in a month of July in 10 years.
The General Regime posted a rise of 86,252 contributors (up 0.6%), to stand at 14,568,947. Affiliation rose in practically all sectors in July, with particularly noteworthy rises in the Hotel and Catering industry, up 51,412, or 4.1%; in Healthcare Activities and Social Services, up 48,192, or 3.48%; in the Sale and Repair of Automobiles and Motorbikes, up 47,337, or 2.07%; in Administrative Activities and Auxiliary Services, up 20,837, or 1.76% and in Manufacturing Industry, up 14,080, or 0.83%. There was a noteworthy decline in the Education sector, down 93,062, coinciding, as each year, with the end of the school year.
The Special System for Agricultural Workers saw a decline of 29,557 contributors (down 3.85%), to stand at an average of 737,940 workers.
In turn, the Special System for Domestic Workers saw a decline of 3,278 contributors (down 0.76%) to stand at a total of 429,566 workers.
3,205,027 contributors were registered under the Regime for Self-Employed Workers, following a decline of 4,351 (down 0.14%). An increase of 2,934 contributors was posted in the Special Regime for Seamen (up 4.52%), to a total of 67,915 workers. Finally, the Regime for Coal Workers posted a decline of 114 average contributors (down 3.55%).
Affiliation to the Social Security system in July rose in most autonomous regions. The largest increases were posted, in absolute terms, in Catalonia (up 26,197), the Region of Valencia (up 16,221), Galicia (up 16,045), the Balearic Islands (up 13,134) and Castile and Leon (up 9,046). In contrast, average affiliation fell in the Region of Madrid (down 14,552), La Rioja (down 1,124), Navarre (down 1,019), Ceuta (down 563) and Andalusia (down 212).
Since the lowest point in terms of number of contributors to the system (February 2013), 1,694,245 people are now back in work of the 3.3 million who lost their jobs during the crisis, in other words, a recovery of more than 50%.
Comparison with 2015
In year-on-year terms, July closed with an average of 529,804 more contributors (up 3.06%), due, to a great extent, to the good results posted by the General Regime, with 500,372 new workers (up 3.56%).
It should be noted that the rate rose by 0.84% under the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, which translates into an increase of 26,675 workers. The Regime for Seamen rose by 5.31% (up 3,424), while the Regime for Coal Workers posted a decrease of 667 contributors (down 17.69%).
Compared with last year, the number of workers has increased in all autonomous regions. Particularly noteworthy are Catalonia, with an increase of 114,214 workers (up 3.67%), the Region of Madrid, with an increase of 90,681 workers (up 3.24%), Andalusia, with an increase of 79,801 (up 2.89%) and the Region of Valencia, with an increase of 60,702 (up 3.65%).