​On Wednesday, from the Port of St. John's in Newfoundland (Canada)

The oceanographic vessel 'Vizconde de Eza' launches the "Black Halibut 3L 2016" campaign in the NAFO regulatory area

News - 2016.7.27

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This campaign will be carried out over 20 days, after which the vessel will set sail to Vigo, where it is expected to arrive on 24 August, thereby bringing to a close the research in this area following the "Platuxa", "Flemish Cap" and "Black Halibut" campaigns, thus covering the zone in which the Spanish fishing fleet engages in significant fishing for the main demersal species.

The aims of this new campaign is to estimate stock levels and biomass, establish population structures and to gather biological and trophical information on the black halibut and associated species, such as cod, witch sole, flounder, blacknose shark, skate, redfish, roundnose grenadier and shrimp, as well as to collect information on the oceanographic situations in the zone.

Scientists from the Spanish Oceanographic Institute determine the prospects of the area by taking a random depth sample. Hence, by studying the fishing activity carried on, data is obtained related to captures, the range of sizes, biological parameters, gut contents and samples from which to study growth and reproduction.

Additionally, invertebrates are identified and recorded, while specific water probes gather information on temperatures and salinity.

This type of bottom feeder campaign constitutes one of the main methods for directly studying stocks which are being fished, allowing for the gathering of independent information related to fishing activities, meaning that, based on the scientific analysis obtained, the best decisions can be taken in terms of fishing management in the different areas.

Black Halibut Campaign

"Black Halibut 3L 2016" is the thirteenth such campaign to be carried out in this zone, which is most fished for the black halibut and where the largest catches are landed.

The information gathered is used by the Scientific Council of NAFO to establish fishing stocks of particular interest to the Spanish fishing fleet, as well as to provide invaluable information for various studies of a biological and ecological nature in the zone.

The continuation of these traditional campaigns is essential for the management of long-term and environmentally-sustainable fishing. Furthermore, this activity conforms with the commitments taken on with the European Union, through the National Programme of Basic Data on the Spanish fisheries sector

It is only through improved knowledge of the oceans that their protection and sustainable development can be guaranteed, for which reason the General Secretariat of Fisheries continues to invest in the development of research campaigns through their Oceanographic Vessels.

Oceanographic vessels

The oceanographic vessel 'Vizconde de Eza', along with the vessels 'Miguel Oliver' and 'Emma Bardán', is one of the three fishing and oceanographic research vessels that belong to the General Secretariat of Fisheries. It has recently celebrated the 15th anniversary of its launch, and remains at the forefront of fishery research due to its cutting-edge technology and equipment.