Contributor figures reach 17, 221,310

Number of National Insurance contributors increases by 213,015 in May

News - 2015.6.2

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Furthermore, in year-on-year terms, 592,937 contributors entered the system (up 3.57%), more than twice the figure of 261,361 in May last year (up 1.60%). There has not been such a large rise in people in work since July 2006 (684,562).

"What is really important is that every day there are more people in work who are contributing to the system. We have had 16 months of year-on year positive growth," explained the State Secretary for Social Security, Tomás Burgos, who added: "This is a reality that tells us that month by month the goal that jobs should be available to all who are looking for them is growing closer."

The number of contributors has grown again for the third month in all autonomous regions, under the key regimes and in the most representative sectors (both under the general regime and the self-employed regime). Noteworthy are the increases in hotel and catering, administrative activities and ancillary services, trade, construction and manufacturing.

The seasonally adjusted figures support the increase in contributors (57,721 more). The figure has grown for 22 straight months.


Affiliation under the General Regime grew by 195,880 on April (1.42%), to stand at an average of 13,987,730. The most noteworthy sectors are the hotel and catering industry, with 65,563 new contributors; administrative activities and ancillary services, up 23,096; trade, with 19,726 new contributors; construction, at 14,172; and manufacturing industry, at 13,969.

The Special Regime for Agricultural Workers posted an increase of 26,194 workers (3.42%) to 792,124. The Special Regime for Domestic Workers grew by 846 contributors (0.20%) to 433,111 workers.

The Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers has 3,168,371 contributors, following an increase of 16,778 (0.53%). The number of people registered under the Regime for Seamen increased by 385 (0.63%) to 61,380. Finally, the Regime for Coal Workers comprised an average of 3,830 contributors, following a reduction of 29 (-0.76%).

Year-on-year variation

In year-on-year terms, the rate increased by 3.57% or 592,937 more jobs in the system. The majority of this growth corresponds to the General Regime, with 525,586 more jobs than last year (3.90%).

It should be noted that the rate rose by 2.20% under the Special Regime for Self-Employed Workers, which translates into an increase of 68,139 when compared with the same month in 2014. The Regime for Seamen posted a decrease of 0.62% (-385).

The numbers rose in all autonomous regions and all the provinces.