New training courses for 2015
Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism adds new momentum to tourism quality policy
News - 2015.5.25
The Hosts and Hostesses (Attention to Detail Culture) Programme is aimed at professionals in the tourism sector, the SICTED (Comprehensive System of Spanish Tourist Destination Quality) Training Programme is aimed at public stakeholders in the tourism sector at destinations and the Training in Accessibility Programme is aimed at raising awareness on this issue among tourism stakeholders at destinations.
The priority goal of the training initiatives announced for 2015 is to achieve a positive impact on all aspects of consumption by tourists and thereby increase tourist loyalty.
One of the key tools for improving the quality of the services provided, as well as the quality perceived during the experiences enjoyed by tourists in Spain, is to meet the expectations of tourists at each point of the consumption chain at the destination. These expectations are affected by numerous decisive services and other factors when attempting to create a positive and satisfactory experience.
The Ministry of Industry owns the SCTE methodology (Sistema de Calidad Turística Español or Spanish Tourism Quality System), which it transfers to the regional governments under a series of partnership agreements. Since the launch of the training plan under the Host and Hostesses, Attention to Detail Culture and Attention to Detail at Destinations Project, the State Secretariat of Tourism has made a considerable effort to train the public stakeholders (municipal architects, municipal experts, etc.) and professionals in the various subsectors that comprise the tourism sector with either a direct or indirect impact on enriching destinations.
Meanwhile, the SICTED (Comprehensive System of Spanish Tourist Destination Quality) Project on improving the quality of tourist destinations is aimed at the comprehensive and permanent management of quality at a tourist destination, involving tourism companies and services from 32 different trades to ultimately improve the tourist experience and tourist satisfaction at the destination.
Hosts and Hostesses Programme 2015: 1,500 business owners and workers
The Hosts and Hostesses-Attention to Detail Culture Programme is a training plan aimed at professionals in the tourism sector with two distinct target groups: owners and middle management; and staff in contact with the public. The programme seeks to incentivise private initiative for the implementation of actions that help improve the quality perceived by customers.
The goal is to raise awareness among those taking part as to the importance of people who have contact with the customer in terms of the competitiveness and profitability of service companies, as well as the importance of building a positive work environment in order to have motivated staff offering a good customer service. At the same time, it promotes a culture of service and attention to detail and ongoing improvement. It also seeks to enrich the profession, improve self-esteem in the various professional groups and generate a sense of pride in a job well done.
This training programme comprises complementary in-person and online training so as to better adapt to the new needs and availability of professionals in the tourism sector.
The "Hosts and Hostesses - Attention to Detail Culture, hospitality and customer service" Plan comprises five training modules: "Getting to Know the Customer" and "Staff Selection" are aimed at business owners; while "Key Aspects of Customer Service", "Effective Communication", "Working as a Team until gaining improved Customer Knowledge" and "Knowing how to Recommend the Best of the Destination" are aimed at staff in contact with the public.
Between June and November, 160 in-person modules will be taught to the two target groups for the Hosts and Hostesses Programme at eight locations in Madrid, the Basque Country, Galicia, the Canary Islands, Murcia, Valencia, Castile-Leon and Andalusia. Approximately 1,500 business owners and workers will receive training. Online training will be provided at the same time. The online course will be imparted on two occasions and between 300-500 business owners and workers will receive training in this manner.
SICTED Training Programme for 180 stakeholders under the various SICTED profiles
The SICTED Training Programme is aimed at managers, tourism experts, local development stakeholders and consultants supporting these stakeholders, who plan to implement or are already implementing the SICTED (Comprehensive System of Spanish Tourist Destination Quality) Project in their area.
This training plan seeks to provide qualifications to all those stakeholders who are going to work on implementing the SICTED model at a destination under the various profiles - SICTED Manager, SICTED Advisor, SICTED Trainer and SCITED Assessor - by providing them with the knowledge and tools they will need to perform their roles correctly.
The training will be provided via in-person sessions based around four-day training conferences of 32 teaching hours.
Between May and November, seven in-person training conferences will be held in five locations: Madrid (2 courses), Galicia (2 courses), Andalusia (1 course), Valencia (1 course) and the Canary Islands (1 course). It is estimated that close to 180 new stakeholders will be trained under the various SICTED profiles.
The SICTED Manager Accessibility Training Programme
The service received by someone, whether disabled or not, during the various stages of a holiday is a decisive factor when assessing the level of satisfaction with the tourist experience. Hence, two training courses will be provided to SICTED Managers on the issue of accessibility.
Under the title of "Accessible Tourism and Service to Customers with Disabilities and other Various Needs", training will be provided to SICTED Managers on accessible tourism, basic legislation governing accessibility and accessible tourism, and on how to improve accessibility to tourism resources, among other issues.
Training, a constant priority in the search for excellence in the tourism sector
The Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism has been making a considerable effort to train professionals under the new SICTED manager, trainer, adviser and assessor profiles and the managers responsible for the correct implementation of the Comprehensive System of Tourist Destination Quality - as well as the public stakeholders (municipal architects, municipal experts, etc.) and professionals in the various subsectors that comprise the tourism sector who have either a direct or indirect impact on enriching destinations - via the Training Plan of the Hosts and Hostesses Project: SCTE Human Capital and SCTE Enrichment.
Under the Hosts and Hostesses Project, the classroom-based training figures reflect a total of 886 courses and over 10,000 trained people. A total of 1,353 people have received training via the six online courses provided to date.
Almost 1,100 stakeholders have been trained via SICTED, close to 50 courses have been held at 16 locations (Madrid, Malaga, Aviles, Murcia, Bilbao, Barcelona, Benavente, Pamplona, Seville, Gandia, Seville, Gijon, Majorca, Minorca, Benidorm, Valencia and Gran Canaria).
The success of this project lies in the fact that it is based on an intensive public-private and public-public partnership model encompassing all levels of government:
• 186 destinations and over 1,200 municipalities
• Over 5,000 distinguished companies and 4,000 subscribed companies.
• Seven regional governments and two provincial councils supporting the project.
• Almost 10,000 stakeholders involved.
• 25% of participating destinations have been involved for between 7-12 years.