Council of Ministers

Government invites President of Regional Government of Catalonia to debate his proposed referendum in Lower House of Parliament

Council of Ministers - 2017.5.19

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Moncloa Palace, Madrid

The Vice-President of the Government and Minister for the Presidency and Regional Administrations, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, explained at the press briefing following the Council of Ministers that during Friday's meeting they studied the demand from the President of the Regional Government of Catalonia, Carles Puigdemont, to negotiate the call for a referendum on the self-determination of Catalonia. The President of the Regional Government of Catalonia has called a series of conferences on Friday in Barcelona and on Monday in Madrid to explain his intentions.

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría stated that the government's position on this issue "has been very clear" from the outset: "The defence of the unity of Spain and respect for national sovereignty enshrined in our Constitution lies with the Spanish people, with all of the Spanish people". For this reason, she argued, the government invites the President of the Regional Government of Catalonia "to democratically talk about and debate his proposal through the legal channels legally provided in the appropriate venue: the Parliament of the Nation".

The Vice-President of the Government recalled that the government cannot negotiate a referendum that the Constitution does not allow, "but what our legal system does permit is that any proposal can be debated before the legitimate representatives of all the people of Spain, provided that this is done through the democratically provided channels". Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría stressed that Carles Puigdemont will receive the government's full collaboration for the debate on his proposals to take place "as quickly as possible" and expressed her conviction that the parliamentary forces will "facilitate this to the maximum extent".

Democratic rules

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Íñigo Méndez de VigoPool Moncloa/J.M. CuadradoWhen asked about the format that this debate will adopt, the Vice-President of the Government remarked that the Regulation of Parliament and the Constitution establish mechanisms so that Parliament is aware of the proposals that affect the structure of the State, being something that "has clear precedents".

What is essential, she underlined, is that the debates that affect national sovereignty are held in this forum. She stated that "At this time, only Parliament and the Spanish people as a whole are entitled to decide on an issue of this nature", and any alteration to this procedure would require a constitutional reform so that a referendum on self-determination were a legal mechanism.

According to the Vice-President of the Government, the debate proposed by the government "is difficult to reject by anyone who considers that the rules of democracy should be followed". As regards the possibility of Mariano Rajoy meeting with Carles Puigdemont the following week when he attends a meeting of the Economic Forum in Sitges, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría stated that the government's invitation is "sufficiently democratic" as to be accepted "without the need for further persuasion".

Research projects

The Council of Ministers authorised the granting of 370 million euros for the two main calls for proposals for research projects in 2017, within the framework of the State Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation Plan 2013-2016.

Íñigo Méndez de VigoPool Moncloa/J.M. CuadradoThe Minister for Education, Culture and Sport and Government Spokesperson, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, specified that the call for proposals for R&D Excellence, with a provision of 126 million euros, seeks "to finance high quality experimental and theoretical research projects, without a pre-defined thematic orientation, undertaken with the primary goal of obtaining results that significantly advance current knowledge and have a high scientific-technical, international, social or economic impact".

The other call for proposals, for R&D+i Challenges-Research, with an allocation of 244 million euros, is focused on both experimental and theoretical projects designed to contribute to resolving any aspect reflected in the eight main challenges to society contained in the Spanish Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy related to health; demographic change and well-being; food quality; safe, sustainable and clean energy; smart transport; climate change; social changes and innovation; digital economy and society; and security, protection and defence.

Highway maintenance

The government authorised 15 contracts to be entered into to undertake highway maintenance and operation for a total sum of close to 415 million euros, reported Íñigo Méndez de Vigo.

The total term of the contracts, which will be developed in 13 provinces, is four years with an extension of 24 months. Highway maintenance is founded on three main aspects: roadworthiness, ordinary maintenance and extraordinary maintenance.

Consumption of fruit, vegetables and milk

The Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree to apply European Union legislation on the school programme for the consumption of fruit, vegetables and milk. The aim of the European Commission programme is to encourage the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables and liquid milk among small children, halt the decline in their consumption of these items and foster healthy eating habits among tomorrow's consumers.

In order to develop its school programme, Spain has been allocated 12.9 million euros for the distribution of fruit and vegetables, and 6.3 million euros for the consumption of milk and dairy products.

Weekly evaluation

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Íñigo Méndez de VigoPool Moncloa

In his habitual weekly evaluation, the Government Spokesperson expressed, on behalf of the government, his satisfaction as the ratification of the Royal Decree Law to reform the stevedore sector on Thursday in the Lower House of Parliament. "We believe that this is a good political decision".

Íñigo Méndez de Vigo also highlighted the signing of the agreement between Central Government and the Regional Government of the Basque Country on the update of the payment of the quota for the Basque Country, which is "a sign of institutional normality". Both agreements, which the minister described as "constructive and based on good work", are, in his opinion, "a good starting point" to ensuring an agreement on regional financing.

The Government Spokesperson recalled that the following week the General State Budget will continue its passage through Parliament, now that the complete amendment to the Budget has been rejected. On this point, he insisted that its approval "is a priority for the government "as it is necessary for the smooth functioning of the public authorities and of the public services that attend to the citizens.

International agenda

The Government Spokesperson pointed out that the President of the Government has stepped up his international activity due to the "exceptional situation" Europe finds itself in as a result of the withdrawal by the United Kingdom from the European Union, thus obliging it to consider its "reform and renewal".

Íñigo Méndez de Vigo also referred to the recent visit by Mariano Rajoy to China to take part in the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, called in Beijing by the President of China, Xi Jinping. "This new silk road, according to the government, will transform connections between Asian countries and Europe and will facilitate a heightened flow of trade and investment", he said.

It is necessary to continue with the reforms

The minister claimed that "Spain has consolidated its reputation on the international stage as a serious, reliable and credible country", which is why we must now look to the medium and long term. On this point, he mentioned the latest indicator of the Elcano Royal Institute which shows that "there is a clear, noteworthy improvement in Spain's image, both in Europe and in the United States, with an average grade of "good" (7.1 out of 10).

Íñigo Méndez de Vigo reiterated that, following a very harsh economic crisis, our country has now been enjoying growth for the last four years and heads up growth in the Eurozone. He also maintained that all the wealth lost during the crisis has now been recovered, that the increase in the number of National Insurance contributors posted in April is an all-time record and that the number of permanent employment contracts and jobs for young people has increased "considerably". He also remarked that the number of jobs among women that were lost has now been recovered and there are now more women in work than ever.
For that reason, the minister argued that it is necessary to continue with the reforms pushed through in the period 2011-2015. "This is important because both budget policy and the reform policy were what helped pull us out of the crisis and begin the period of integrating growth that we are now enjoying, characterised by economic balance, reforms and dialogue".

The Government Spokesperson insisted that Spain needs a social and political pact on education, a pact to strengthen the public pension system, a pact on employment, a pact to combat gender-based violence, an energy pact and a pact on democratic quality and to combat corruption.

Current affairs

Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, Íñigo Méndez de VigoPool Moncloa/J.M. CuadradoIn regard to the motion of no confidence against the President of the Government, presented on Friday by Podemos, the minister and Government Spokesperson stressed that the "government respects the legitimacy of its presentation, but considers that there are no objective grounds to justify this", given that the economic and social figures "are good". At any event, he specified that the motion of no confidence is constructive, which means that it is a test for those who present it. This will allow "positive" proposals to be listened to, and not only negative proposals such as those made to date to try to win the support of MPs.

In response to questions from journalists, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo corroborated that President of the Government Rajoy will give his testimony on 26 and 27 July - given that he is not a party to the case - in the "Gürtel" case. These dates have been chosen taking into account the busy schedule of the President of the Government, he stated.

As regards the controversy surrounding the content of textbooks, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo pointed out that the Ministry of Education commissioned a report from the Education Inspectorate on 9 May to assess the situation in all the autonomous regions and include the opinions of all the sectors involved. Depending on the conclusions of this report, he said, action will be taken and an "informed decision" will be made, taking into account that the most important goal is "to improve" the Spanish education system