Council of Ministers
Government allocates 820 million euros to scientific research projects
Council of Ministers - 2016.10.7
Moncloa Palace, Madrid
In total, 820 million euros will be allocated to the call for R&D+i proposals, which will lead to the formalisation of more than 1,000 new contracts. The main aim, according to the acting Vice-President of the Government, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, "is to support scientific personnel, above all our youngest professionals".
Accordingly, 54 million euros will be allocated to the Ramón y Cajal contracts, thanks to which "175 top national and international researchers will be incorporated into the system". Projects for young researchers will be allocated some 20 million euros.
In addition, the call for 'Challenges-Collaboration' proposals, with a total budget of 586 million euros, will enable close on 340 cooperation projects to be set in motion between companies and research bodies. Finally, the Strategic Health Action of the Carlos III Health Institute will receive 160 million euros for healthcare research.
According to the Government Spokesperson, R&D+i has been one of the pillars of this government's action, "despite the difficulties", because it constitutes "a decisive mechanism for the competitiveness of the country". She added that the calls for proposals approved on Friday, 7 October, "will allow us to attract new funds", above all regarding Horizon 2020.
Public Employment Offer for 2016
The Council of Ministers approved another exception to the budget closure order in order to implement the Public Employment Offer for 2016.
As a result of this agreement, the selection processes called for access to 3,501 places in the list of professions and grades of the General State Administration, under sub-groups A1, A2, C1 and C2 and in the grade of civil servant in the local administration at a national level, under sub-group A1, can now take place. These processes will be managed by the National Public Administration Institute (Spanish acronym: INAP).
Agriculture funds
Pool Moncloa/JM CuadradoThe government has increased spending on agricultural insurance by 41.8 million euros, through an addendum to the agreement signed between the State Agricultural Insurance Agency (Spanish acronym: ENESA) and the Spanish Group of Insurance Companies for Combined Agricultural Insurance.
The Vice-President of the Government stressed that the number of these insurance policies taken out this year has grown considerably as a result of the exceptional meteorological conditions during last autumn and winter. Specifically, the forecasts have risen by 22% and hence, the budget requirements for subsidies have increased.
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría pointed out that the government approved an initial credit extension back in July this year for a sum of 15 million euros. Accordingly, the total expense under this heading has amounted to 267.4 million euros, 26% higher than the initial amount budgeted. The increase in the number of agricultural insurance policies taken out shows "the trust our farmers and livestock breeders place in this system", which is "a strategic tool to maintain small-holdings and farm income", pointed out the Government Spokesperson.
Also in relation to agriculture, the Council of Ministers approved a Royal Decree that provides for subsidies to foster the creation of organisations of producers of a cross-regional nature in the agricultural sector. The Vice-President of the Government framed this regulation within the drive that has been given throughout this legislature to improving the position of primary producers in the food chain.
This system of aid is structured through the National Rural Development Programme, with 80% funding from the European Union and the other 20% charged to the Spanish Agricultural Guarantee Fund.
Subsidies for sports federations
Pool Moncloa/JM CuadradoThe Council of Ministers authorised the National Sports Council (Spanish acronym: CSD) to grant part of the economic subsidies for sports federations corresponding to 2017. The aim is to optimise training and the results of teams that represent Spain in high-level national and international competitions.
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría stressed that the total amount of the item allocated by the CSD to federations will be 46 million euros, the same amount as for the previous year, thus consolidating the 20% increase in subsidies in 2016 over 2015.
Honours under the Order of Alfonso X the Wise
Among the resolutions adopted by the Council of Ministers, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría also mentioned the award of the Grand Crosses and Ties of the Civil Order of Alfonso X the Wise to various personalities and institutions.
The Government Spokesperson recalled that this Civil Order honours both national and foreign individuals and legal entities who have distinguished themselves through their contribution and service in such fields as education, science, culture, teaching and research.
National Securities Market Commission
The government has approved the formal dismissal of the President and the Vice-President of the National Securities Market Commission (Spanish acronym: CNMV) following the expiry of their mandates, since four years have now elapsed since their appointment.
Pool Moncloa/JM CuadradoThe Vice-President of the Government specified that, in accordance with the system for their replacement provided for in the CNMV Regulation, these functions will be taken on by the director with the greatest length of service.
Furthermore, she thanked this body for its actions over these years in guaranteeing the smooth running of the capital markets and for protecting investors and savers. She also highlighted its "leading role" in the reform of the corporate governance framework in Spain, "which has placed us among the most advanced countries in the world in this field".
National Holiday Festivities
On the sidelines of the Council of Ministers, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría reviewed the events organised by various institutions to celebrate the National Holiday on 12 October. In the same way as last year, these activities are designed to be more inclusive and family-orientated.
The Vice-President of the Government pointed out that on 12 October, entry into the most important museums managed by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, such as the Prado, the Reina Sofía and the Thyssen, as well as the Cervantes Institute and Royal National Heritage Sites, will be free of charge
Current affairs
When asked for her assessment of the initial contacts between the acting President of the Government, Mariano Rajoy, and the President of the Managing Body of the PSOE, Javier Fernández, in relation to an upcoming vote of investiture, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría framed these contacts within the "normal realms of institutional dialogue". She also expressed the need to be prudent in these talks and to respect the time limits of the PSOE within the margin set by the Constitution for a potential vote of investiture.
Pool Moncloa/JM CuadradoAccording to the Vice-President of the Government, everyone must work together with the "key" objective of avoiding a third round of elections and ensure that Spain has a government. In this regard, she recalled the statements made by Mariano Rajoy regarding "not imposing conditions", because what "we want is to work to ensure the investiture of a government that can maintain the recovery, definitively exit the crisis and continue to generate well-being".
In response to a question on the resolutions adopted on Thursday, 6 October by the Regional Parliament of Catalonia to hold a referendum on independence, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría reported that the State Attorney's Office is studying this issue at present. If the pro-independence parties continue to repeat the same "roadmap", which has been completely de-legitimised on multiple occasions by the courts, then logically the rule of law will continue to act in the same way.
According to the Vice-President of the Government, continuing to repeat the same "litany" of referendums, when Catalonia is suffering from many real problems which the authorities are not tackling will finally lead to "gloom and doom" for the pro-independence supporters.